While most United States Businesses are in pandemic mode bracing themselves for what could be another great depression or atleast recession the Government spending is on the rise.
With the coronavirus pandemic exacerbating a slowdown in the global economy, governments around the world may have no choice but to increase spending to support businesses and households well into the next year, according to an economist from S&P Global Ratings.
Now more than ever is the time to be looking at Government Contracting especially if you are a small business.
GSA SCHEDULE Contracts also referred to MAS Contracts are the entry level into the Government Sector and will allow small business a consistent stream of revenue.
BKM Management Consulting has the knowledge to help your business gain a GSA Schedule Contract under the MAS Schedules.
Shame on small businesses for not learning more about Government Contracting in these uncertain economic times.
8(a) STARS II Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC)
A GWAC or Government wide acquisition vehicle is a contracting vehicle set forth to allow Government buyers a listing of pre-vetted businesses that meet their agencies contracting needs. Use of contracting vehicles is said to reduce time spent and also to allow a streamlined approach to purchasing.
With a $12 Billion program ceiling and a five-year base period with one five-year option, 8(a) STARS II allows for long-term planning of large-scale program requirements while strengthening opportunities for 8(a) small businesses.
The base period of the contract is August 31, 2011, to August 30, 2016. The option period of the contract is August 31, 2016, to August 30, 2021. Orders issued on or before August 30, 2021, may continue performance through August 30, 2024.
8(a) STARS II includes four functional areas based on NAICS codes:
8(a) STARS II allows for directed task orders up to $4 Million, including options. Orders more than $4 Million must be competed among the industry partners in your chosen constellation and functional area.
BKM Management Consulting can help your businesses get onto the 8A Stars GWAC.
Call us today: 1-800-506-7539
GSA Schedule – Great now when will I receive my first order?
Once Vendors are on GSA Schedules, they want to know, “once I get my GSA Schedule Contract in place when will my first sale come through?” Clearly this question is greatly dependent on the industry you are in. However, at BKM Management Consulting we take a more direct hands on approach to our onboarding of our clients. We do not only rely on the GSA Schedule Contract for their success we want to diversify their Government Contracting Portfolio.
Below is an analysis that is conducted from the sales data for new GSA for schedule holders based upon the year in which their GSA Contract became active.
Years of Holding a GSA Schedule | Average Sales per GSA Contract Holder |
1st Year | 40,208 |
2nd Year | 552,604 |
3rd Year | 1,098,553 |
GSA Schedules
A GSA Schedule is your first step in entering the federal market place. Most
companies want to do business with the US Government, though often they simply
have no idea how to get started or they have a misguided view of the
process. Yes, it can be very daunting to
begin a Government Division for your firm however, it is a very consistent
stream of revenue and if you are properly positioned your company will be very successful. BKM Management Consulting works with
businesses to guide them properly in entering the Government Space as well as
assisting some with their current portfolios.
For Instance, a situational assessment must be done before onboarding because not every single company will be successful. We want to start by taking a look at what the government has purchased, what their budgets are for what you have to offer if any and who your competitors are within that space. In addition, what your differentiators will be to determine whether you in fact will be a success and if this is a good value for you and if you’re a going to be a value to the Government.
Our trained Government Development team can assess your business today for the opportunities.
GSA Schedule 2018 Small Business Sales by Schedule
Achieving for your company a small business federal sales engine generally starts with a GSA Schedule Contract. A very consistent stream of revenue for small business growth.
Agencies propose rule change to cut burdens on small business
By: Jessie Bur 1 day ago
A proposed Federal Acquisition Regulation rule change would make it easier for small businesses to comply with sub-contracting allowances.
The Department of Defense, the General Services Administration and NASA have proposed a rule change to the Federal Acquisition Regulations that would standardize the limitations on subcontracting across agencies while reducing the burden on small businesses contractors.
The proposed rule change, issued in the Federal Register Dec. 4, would adopt the Small Business Administration’s approach to addressing requirements made by the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act that limited the percentage of the contract that awardees could spend on a subcontractor.
“Prior to passage of section 1651 of the NDAA for FY2013, the limitations on subcontracting and the non-manufacturer rule were inconsistent across the small business programs,” the proposed rule states.
“For example, for awards under some small business programs, the prime contractor was required to perform a certain percentage of work itself, whereas under other programs, the prime contractor could include subcontracts to ‘similarly situated entities’ in the percentage of work it performed.” GSA Schedule Contracts require big business to sub-contract 23% of the work they receive.
The NDAA requirements, however, focus on limiting the award amount given to subcontractors, rather than percentages of work.
“As a result, the prime contractor no longer has to track the percentage of costs incurred that it spends performing work itself; it only has to track the percentage of the overall award amount (i.e., contract price) that it spends on subcontractors. For small businesses, this change will reduce a substantial burden associated with tracking and demonstrating compliance with the limitations on subcontracting,” the proposed rule says. Under a GSA Schedule Contract all large businesses are required to submit a small business sub-contracting plan.
“These important changes give small businesses greater flexibility on how they choose to comply with the limitations on subcontracting. Under the current FAR clauses, there is only one way for a small business to comply with the limitations: it must spend the required amount on work performed in-house. As proposed in this rule, there will be more than one way to comply with the limitations, and the small business will be able to choose how to comply.”
These limitations on subcontracting, however, do not apply to small business set-aside contracts valued at less than $150,000. The GSA Schedules are separate within these rules.
DECEMBER 3, 2018 01:56 PM ET
10 Problems DHS Wants Innovative Small Businesses to Solve in 2019
The department will be offering millions of dollars to small businesses able to offer solutions to these 10 tough technical problems.
By Aaron Boyd,Senior Editor
The Homeland Security Department released a list of 10 bleeding-edge research areas it plans to pursue in fiscal 2019 in partnership with innovative small businesses. Go to : https://www.gsaadvantage.gov/advantage
The department’s Science and Technology Directorate and Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office announced Friday the tentative list of technical areas for this year’s Small Business Innovation Research, or SBIR, program. In the coming year, Homeland Security SBIR officials are proposing research into topics including using drones to detect radiological threats, sharing cyber threat data, using blockchain for forensic analysis, and advanced identity management—from DNA to cyberspace.
“The SBIR program provides an opportunity for innovative small businesses to find solutions that meet the technology needs of the department’s operational components and the nation’s first responders,” William Bryan, senior official performing the duties of the undersecretary for science and technology, said in the announcement.
Homeland Security’s SBIR program obligated almost $250 million across 805 awards from its start in 2004 through 2015, the latest year with data available on the www.SBIR.gov dashboard. The program hit its height in 2006 with almost $29.9 million in funds obligated to 95 projects.
In 2015, Homeland Security’s program obligated $20.7 million to 48 projects. This amount is relatively small when compared to the largest SBIR awarders that year: the Energy Department at $193.6 million, Health and Human Services at $714.4 million and the Defense Department at $956.9 million.
The list for 2019 includes eight topics under the Science and Technology Directorate and two more under the CWMD office’s program.
Reach-Back Capability for Fielded Rapid DNA Systems
Objective: Development of an accredited Homeland Security reach-back capability to review results from fielded Rapid DNA systems using the Office of Biometric Identity Management DNA store/match/share capability.